Tag Archives: Self-Realization enlightenment

The Meaning of Life

We all want to know the meaning of life. I studied this subject and I’m one of the few who has a legit shot due to my own Self-realization. It’s especially hard to convey so give it a chance.

Before birth there was no you and no Soul, your Soul to be is on loan from the Eternal whole (God). Consciousness gets pulled from the Almighty at birth reserving your place in Eternity. That’s right, as they told us your Soul is Eternal, and Eternity is another name for God. You have a piece of the Almighty God. Birth is all it takes and everything you see has this backing in order to hold the universe up and together.

Another amazing fact is our Soul resides there. The Soul can’t leave Eternity but it’s connected to the mind by some invisible tether. Before it became a Soul it was just an untapped part of Eternity.

One realm is ever pure and the other ever not pure. The Eternal Almighty and the Soul is forever peaceful watching the show, it never sleeps nor stops looking, vision comes from the original Awareness of Being which is eternally aware. Keeping your eternal vision depends on your ability to block this massive pop up called life. You gotta delete it to see IT!

Surrendering all is a big part of the dying process you have to be willing to throw it all away to see your Higher Self. Nothing here is meant to last. Even though it sounds like life has no meaning, it does. Everything returns to the Source and so must you! For the time being you have independent freedom from the Whole however that means it’s all up to you to find your way Home.

We come here to understand the basic principles of life, the universe, death and then the afterlife, that’s all we need to know. You don’t need a body or mind to know that. Being human we think our personal journey matters however the afterlife will show you how shallow that really is.

My mentor and I believe it all started when Absolute space before the universe became Aware, Awareness of Being All, thusly giving birth to the universe and consciousness. In my teachers words: ‘Absolute space must’ve had that potential’. Absolute Space birthed Awareness of Being the only thing that won’t interfere with its natural state. If some sort of resource exists it naturally begets a user even in Absolute Space. It evolved from pure nothing to pure Something causing a chain reaction that birthed the universe in another dimension. It seems like Awareness turned things inside out, spreading beyond Eternity yet within. I think Awareness radiated into a spreading wave of consciousness creating another dimension of time. It technically evolved, Awareness radiated a dark consciousness or energy, I believe this was the trigger mechanism.

Now we have the same opportunity to become Aware of our true nature just like the Almighty did. Granted the process is different, and on a miniature scale but the same spacial Awareness of Being Eternal. I think that is pretty cool and necessary in order to understand the reality of all.

Becoming aware of your Eternal existence is monumental.

The love we get is the love for existence, Eternity, the universe and us to live forever.

It’s all up to you, surrender all that you became for all the Eternal Soul has to offer.

The Soul has to completely release its addiction to life to embrace its eternal identity.

The Meaning of Life is to realize your Souls existence, and in knowing both sides you become all knowing and have independent Awareness of your Eternal Being.

Outside of Our Selves

The shift into a sense of being, a sense of existence, spatial Awareness in Eternal Space matured out of the nothingness of Pure Space and is now the body of Awareness, the Source of all.  Space before particles, matter and energy essentially altered its makeup as if it had been latent to do so in order to be Aware of its own existence.  I guess it can be viewed as a purposeful action but I think it was all by chance, and the creation of particles, matter and energy is a wonderful benefit.  Either way it happened, and whatever way you want to look at it there is one thing that is certain; its ability to evolve.  A chain of reactions that had to happen, it didn’t need a purpose since Pure Space did exist it naturally evolved.

Eternal Space developed an Awareness of existence, and it was obviously within its potential to develop layers that eventually matured into the universe.  Separate layers within its bounds but on grosser dimensional level that scale down to the current universe, that development is really outside of its own existence, but spatial Awareness created this expansion, and its expression is seen throughout the different forms of conscious life.

What this tells us is God (Eternal Awareness in Pure Space) matured from within, thereby created dimensions of form that allow Awareness to individualize (Humans) and perceive outside realms of a grosser existence, even though we never leave Eternal Space.  Those temporary connections to life are an outlet for Eternal Awareness, which adds an individual touch to Awareness.  Aware Space now matures in a whole different way with the culturing of so many Aware Souls yet visually it’s the same, just empty Space accompanied by a soft Light when Awareness or universe dawned.

Thought or accident is why we exist.  It’s hard for me to believe there is any kind of forthright or mind acting out first.

We all have Eternal Awareness at our Core allowing us to perceive things as conscious human beings.  That extension into outer realms is what creates Souls. Our Soul positioned in Eternity is seeing things Outside of its Self, and that very act creates an expanded attention that is needed to develop Souls.  That is the glory of life, you can use it to your favor like I did and ride the wave back Home to see for yourself.  Seeing this life is seeing outside of one’s normal existence giving us the ability to look back, reflect on existence and its meaning, causing the Self-Aware Soul to mature into a Self-governing component.  When the cycle is complete and your attention retracts back into Pure Space. You are now a Pure Being that can observe and do things independently, which wasn’t there before.  This allows you to see Eternity after your attention returns Home from the particle universe.  This is Self-Realization. You are given a piece of the Whole, and you have been given the power to work for it and return Home, realizing your own existence as the Almighty.

The ability to see Outside of Our Selves produces a self-directing Soul that comes into maturation by seeing through the layers of consciousness.  If you put a single word answer to the reason behind everything then God is appropriate, the ultimate common denominator behind all of existence.

God Realization and Our Link

In essence this created everything.  The ultimate beginning of all came from the realization of Supreme Existence, when Pure Space became Aware of its existence, the ultimate Awareness of Being, and that set in motion everything in the universe. Pure Eternal Space lite up with Self Awareness, and the Still Soft Light that fused within Eternal Darkness before Big Bang is what we call God.

Never to be separated again Pure Light and Pure Darkness is forever linked and one of the same thing.  It is always Pure and Perfect, and it can never be imperfect despite the imperfection that we see before us. Supreme Darkness is the founding Father of Supreme Light and they are forever interlinked, that indispensable union ultimately birthed everything.  That Primary Union made the linking process and the universe a reality.

The multi-dimensions of time that spun off this eternal fusing naturally evolved but not within Pure Space, and an invisible linking process naturally took over which connects everything together. The universe actually exists within the bounds of Eternal Space however completely unnoticeable and hidden, but because universe exists, the link exists. This link created an elusive and unusual transitioning process for the Soul.  Starting from Eternal Space the link takes us up through the dimensions into grossness of life, and then upon death it descends us to the paranormal dimension for purifying before we are allowed into Eternity.

Each dimension is self-governed by the laws of that dimension, and no Soul literally makes the transition from one dimension to the next despite perceiving it has.  The elusive link to Eternity transmits the Souls visual attention through that connection, and as we disconnect from one realm the link retracts back to the next dimension.  The gross byproducts created by each dimension will have to stay in that dimension, in the finale transition all energy particles of time are left behind.  The link retracts until it falls back to the Source where the Eternal Soul is forever stationed. The Soul doesn’t have to wait for the this long process because the connection to the Source is always there for instant travel.  The God Realization that created everything is within our grasp to experience, it’s a very real and attainable goal by all of us.

Your Eternal Domain

The only life that matters is the one you are living right now. Despite the circumstances and all that besieges you, this life is the only thing that offers you the ability to Eternalize your Domain. The very fact that you were born is the very reason you need to live. Nothing else has any bearing on this fact that you were born, and have a chance to live forever. Forget all the spiritual things you’ve been told so far, and all the things you want out of life, because the perks here aren’t fulfilling enough nor will they help you in the afterlife. Reject the supernatural beings and the superhuman stories that most spiritual books proclaim, and understand they are folklore from a bygone age. The folklores attended use is to get you through the door, scare you straight or comfort you in an hour of need, but still a dishonest beginning gives way to a misguided path. Tales of angelic beings watching you from afar, believing they are there to help you through the afterlife, giving free passage to the Heavens, that can’t be further from the truth.

The true spiritualist wants to change this contradiction for everyone so that they can reclaim their right through meditation, find answers for themselves and live in the Eternal Domain. It’s a lot more concrete than they know and scientific in nature. And, there are proven paths that are designed to get you There (Eternity) while still living here. It has to be a path that really works with true results and proven to produce great teachers. These paths will put you ahead of any books or any book teachers, granting you eternal knowledge of the Almighty. There’s a spiritual need that your Soul beckons for in order to solidify Your Eternal Domain. The risk is if you don’t do it, you’ll be strapped to the carousel of endless repetition and the fear of annihilation. Spiritual awakening means you’re off that carousel, and know your Home is where the Self is.  That should be more than enough to push you onto the spiritual path because everything you’ve been accustomed to is in jeopardy of wreaking havoc with many years of confusion.

Without Self-realization all will be lost and abandoned by the Soul in the end, and only a few will immortalize eternally. Those Self-realized Souls who bear witnessed to their generation and world will be immortalized, the only ones to keep the journey stored in knowing this place forever. The rest of the population will loose their life and world.  The Soul can only know the last life awakened, autonomously eternalized via Self-realization. On its own the Soul doesn’t have the capacity to know anything besides the one that made it independently as You. If you don’t make it your whole life is rendered useless, discarded like it didn’t matter in the first place. The Souls knowing downloaded from life make it Self governing Soul, the Souls purpose.

The worth comes to the lucky ones that use the gardens of the universe to enrich their Soul.

Eternity is inherent in all the living beings but unnoticeable to a vast majority as it sits in wait for the next customer. Whole worlds may come and go without a single customer but it doesn’t matter because all it takes is one to be worth it.

The one redeeming value that makes the universe prolific and Eternity Self-evident is squandered by misguidance in religion when it should be highlighted in every path, and documented throughout history. Most paths are too mental, too mystical, too egotistical and too busy with life laying it prone to spiritual inactivity and ineffectiveness.

Your life Eternalized will be the reason why earth, the universe and your life will be permanently immortalized!

You will carry on by God’s side and nothing will ever come between you! What more do you want? Everything pales by comparison to this magnificent feat, and it can be done by you! You just have to go in and do it.

There is no greater need or glory than Eternalizing Your Domain.

Mask Free

At the very end of the human journey you’ll see the very Beginning in silent repose.

The beginning and the end existing together in the same realm that has no start or end.

You will see all it in its original glory, the true Reality behind the human mask, and realize you’re part of it.

Just a fraction of Eternity will be You but that Mask Free fraction is monumental for it completes the Whole.

In this realm all will be there, all will be revealed, Mask Free and striped down to the Core You.

All false notions and appearances vanish forever.

The universe imperfect, incapable of producing perfection, hides Perfection behind the Mask of life.

The visible objects will always be impure while the Substance of the Soul is always invisibly Pure.

Empty space is wonderful and beautiful once you see its value.

Once Mask Free, via Self-Realization, you’ll know its invisible beauty of Pure Space.

All Souls are there, all the great ones will remain there forever silent and still.

In the Mask Free state of Heaven is God and that is us.

I am happy for the Freedom you bestow on us oh God and may our attention never waver in our duty and my gaze be still.

If my presence and gaze be all that is needed of me then let me be still upon You.

Never to be born again I will be there with you Mask Free forever.