Category Archives: Spirituality

Your Eternal Domain

The only life that matters is the one you are living right now. Despite the circumstances and all that besieges you, this life is the only thing that offers you the ability to Eternalize your Domain. The very fact that you were born is the very reason you need to live. Nothing else has any bearing on this fact that you were born, and have a chance to live forever. Forget all the spiritual things you’ve been told so far, and all the things you want out of life, because the perks here aren’t fulfilling enough nor will they help you in the afterlife. Reject the supernatural beings and the superhuman stories that most spiritual books proclaim, and understand they are folklore from a bygone age. The folklores attended use is to get you through the door, scare you straight or comfort you in an hour of need, but still a dishonest beginning gives way to a misguided path. Tales of angelic beings watching you from afar, believing they are there to help you through the afterlife, giving free passage to the Heavens, that can’t be further from the truth.

The true spiritualist wants to change this contradiction for everyone so that they can reclaim their right through meditation, find answers for themselves and live in the Eternal Domain. It’s a lot more concrete than they know and scientific in nature. And, there are proven paths that are designed to get you There (Eternity) while still living here. It has to be a path that really works with true results and proven to produce great teachers. These paths will put you ahead of any books or any book teachers, granting you eternal knowledge of the Almighty. There’s a spiritual need that your Soul beckons for in order to solidify Your Eternal Domain. The risk is if you don’t do it, you’ll be strapped to the carousel of endless repetition and the fear of annihilation. Spiritual awakening means you’re off that carousel, and know your Home is where the Self is.  That should be more than enough to push you onto the spiritual path because everything you’ve been accustomed to is in jeopardy of wreaking havoc with many years of confusion.

Without Self-realization all will be lost and abandoned by the Soul in the end, and only a few will immortalize eternally. Those Self-realized Souls who bear witnessed to their generation and world will be immortalized, the only ones to keep the journey stored in knowing this place forever. The rest of the population will loose their life and world.  The Soul can only know the last life awakened, autonomously eternalized via Self-realization. On its own the Soul doesn’t have the capacity to know anything besides the one that made it independently as You. If you don’t make it your whole life is rendered useless, discarded like it didn’t matter in the first place. The Souls knowing downloaded from life make it Self governing Soul, the Souls purpose.

The worth comes to the lucky ones that use the gardens of the universe to enrich their Soul.

Eternity is inherent in all the living beings but unnoticeable to a vast majority as it sits in wait for the next customer. Whole worlds may come and go without a single customer but it doesn’t matter because all it takes is one to be worth it.

The one redeeming value that makes the universe prolific and Eternity Self-evident is squandered by misguidance in religion when it should be highlighted in every path, and documented throughout history. Most paths are too mental, too mystical, too egotistical and too busy with life laying it prone to spiritual inactivity and ineffectiveness.

Your life Eternalized will be the reason why earth, the universe and your life will be permanently immortalized!

You will carry on by God’s side and nothing will ever come between you! What more do you want? Everything pales by comparison to this magnificent feat, and it can be done by you! You just have to go in and do it.

There is no greater need or glory than Eternalizing Your Domain.

The Power of One

There is One Source of Power that formed the universe, and despite its subtle nature it is all encompassing and all powerful.

Bestowing eternal Awareness to nothingness the all Powerful One is seemingly empty in nature but teeming with Souls waiting to regain Eternal vision.

The door is open to all, no Soul ever entered or exited the door just witnessed life from afar, always holding the Power of One God.

Vacuum sealed in its eternal existence the Power of One allows nothing in that is not Eternal, it will not be disturbed or depleted.

Energy will go on harmonizing and clashing but this dynamic means nothing to the Power of One.

The Soul linking in another realm creates independence and one has to independently surrender to the Power of One.

The Power of One granting Eternal vision to see life, despite of its formless nature it is a loving gift to all its children in the playground of life.

The only vision one has in Eternity is that of the Almighty Power of One.

The Power of One has Self-Awareness of existence, and that translates to every Soul having that same power of Self-Awareness to realize its part in the Almighty Power of One.

Mask Free

At the very end of the human journey you’ll see the very Beginning in silent repose.

The beginning and the end existing together in the same realm that has no start or end.

You will see all it in its original glory, the true Reality behind the human mask, and realize you’re part of it.

Just a fraction of Eternity will be You but that Mask Free fraction is monumental for it completes the Whole.

In this realm all will be there, all will be revealed, Mask Free and striped down to the Core You.

All false notions and appearances vanish forever.

The universe imperfect, incapable of producing perfection, hides Perfection behind the Mask of life.

The visible objects will always be impure while the Substance of the Soul is always invisibly Pure.

Empty space is wonderful and beautiful once you see its value.

Once Mask Free, via Self-Realization, you’ll know its invisible beauty of Pure Space.

All Souls are there, all the great ones will remain there forever silent and still.

In the Mask Free state of Heaven is God and that is us.

I am happy for the Freedom you bestow on us oh God and may our attention never waver in our duty and my gaze be still.

If my presence and gaze be all that is needed of me then let me be still upon You.

Never to be born again I will be there with you Mask Free forever.

Heirs to the Eternal Throne.

The Soul existing eternally as the Whole doesn’t know mortality until life, and the idea of death enhances a love for existence which ultimately gives meaning and legitimacy for the Soul.

A defined purpose for existing through the act of witnessing on the physical plane, and the retraction of that link establishes an ultimate reason for the sacrifice, the Godly Soul.

Eternity is responsible for creating life, and life in turn is responsible for crafting Soul’s, the deeper meaning behind it happens when the Soul knows it’s an intricate Part of the Almighty Whole.

Eternity is metaphorically demarcated by life and the Soul is the result, the Awareness of life adds an extra quality to Eternity within the knowingness that exists in Being.

This component to Being is the outcome of knowing that you exist and have existed for an Eternity, part of the Eternal Whole but with an added cog that delivers independence.

An enhanced knowing is created by life and it instills a reason for the struggle that outweighs any idea that the personal life has any real need for continuance because the Soul continues.

That love for life is a heightened version of the greater right to be which is never threatened by annihilation, and life is nonetheless a valuable quality that qualifies itself through Self Realization.

An eternal existence for the Soul can lose that right to exist, so keeping the Soul is the real profit in life.

Deep in the heart of Eternity this Awareness of Being is our Soul’s divinity, and it actualizes its Self through its connection to form, to know the Soul provides your own uniqueness.

An independent Part of the Whole that originally needs no purpose to exist through its own existence.

Awareness of Being has created a greater purpose for existing that lies within each Soul, via the development of an enlightened life reigning in your heir to the Eternal Throne.

The Time Traveler vs. The Timeless One

What the Time Traveler doesn’t know is what the Timeless One knows very well.

He doesn’t speak a word or thinks a thought but he undoubtedly knows and remains silent.

The Time Traveler is carried away by the sheer magnitude of sensory overload.

Forgetting his roots in the colorful flood he seemingly lost solid ground and grabs all that he can to find it.

Every grip falls prey to the changing current and it seems hopeless but he continues to grab.

The Timeless One watches as one bad attempt after another is thwarted but never intervenes.

Ideologies from the changing tide provide some stability but the current is always changing.

He cries for help but the Timeless One refuses to answer and watches from solid ground.

Because the flood is ungraspable the Timeless One is waiting for Time Traveler to surrender.

Powerless to intervene, waiting and watching is the alternative that’ll outlast the struggle.

When the Time Traveler is ready he will start yielding grip and look for the Timeless One.

Until then the ups and downs in the struggle for stability will be his passing reality.

The Timeless One will show up when it all passes but for now the Time traveler’s decisions rule.

The Timeless One always wins but waits patiently for the Time Traveler to wake up.

Like a dream the Time Traveler is aimlessly wandering always in a state of loosing.

But the Timeless One locked into Reality wins when the Time Traveler surrenders their reality.

Seemingly locked into the changing current of energy the Time Traveler needs to abandon course.

The Time Traveler wants it all and won’t let go even though the fight is frustrating and fruitless.

The struggle is with his firm grip that’s refusing to surrender which delays deliverance.

The Timeless One has Eternity to wait for the foolish Time Traveler who picks drama over peace.

Waiting for that mistake to be realized the Timeless One looses nothing if it doesn’t.

The winning moment will be realized when the Time Traveler realizes he is the Timeless One.

Always at Home in the belly of the Almighty Timeless One there is never a struggled or suffering.

It was only a flash of colorful light and his real life is in Eternity as the Timeless One.

Operating from a distance within the Almighty the Time Traveler was just an aberration.

Spiritual Practices and Austerities that are Unproductive

There are many rigid, and sometimes severe practices placed on practitioners in order to become a qualified spiritual aspirant.  Although some disciplines are actually necessary for the spiritual quest the majority of physical austerities and practices aren’t, they’re more of a ritualistic offering.  Offerings like this are a fleeting mind pacifier that won’t provide any lasting benefit on the spiritual path.  In some extreme cases the students vigilantly practice austerities and disciplines that seem to dwell on physical endurance, but here again little to no spiritual value is derived from this.

Even the information taught is used in a grading and testing fashion in order to find the aspirant’s level, but this also falls short for evaluating performance.  This type of external grading system tends to create hierarchy within the group similar to school and the workplace, which generating competition and division.  This dynamic is especially hard on the mind and it’ll interfere with the peaceful mind that is needed in order to meditate.  This type of ego based performance can deliver a mental and spiritual road block that turns the most humble student aim to arrogant gain.

The teacher also represents nobility and wisdom but if the teacher isn’t enlightened then it makes it extremely difficult for everyone. To Realize the Soul is hard and elusive, and because the teacher is also striving they are in no position to help because the teacher is forced into playing a role.

What I’m trying to say is; group dynamics, physical austerities, rituals, garments, insignias, chanting, penance, visualizations and strict diets can be counterproductive to the spiritual cause. Its connected to the physical world and usually feeds the ego. Some beginning meditation techniques and active mind and body meditations are helpful in the beginning, however they easily turn into a crutch if the student doesn’t move past them.

The spiritual path these days judge you on external performances however when dealing with the spiritual it’s the internal triumphs and practices that really count.

In group situations talking about spiritual experiences can also become a competitive hindrance, for this stuff is best talked about in private with the teacher.  And unless you have a qualified teacher to bounce things off of you’re basically on your own.

Your spiritual journey is a very private, a personal pursuit between your Soul and that which you became, the fight between these two entities is best pursued in meditation. Always on the alert to keep the spiritual ego, useless formalities and wrong information at bay.  The ego is the minds identity that has procured from life and ideology which changes with trends, but deal with the spiritual field you’re dealing with Eternity.  Eternity (God) has no competition, however when life takes center stage it becomes a personal and formidable contender to overcome.  Hence the job of the spiritualist to help you break the spell so that you can find Eternity for good. Religions and Foundations have unwittingly created a substitute centerpiece that is connected to the physical world keeping Eternity off at a distance.  It’s ether the physical realm or the Eternal realm and the serious seeker can’t pursue both at the same time and expect liberation.

I believe passed down traditions with no enlightened teacher at the helm is to blame for this deviation, and now austerities, words and techniques become the way to judge progression.  This deviance from what really matters has a curb appeal with the masses via external achievements, and now anyone can take the helm.

In search of Enlightenment or Self-realization has no real physical requirements to speak of and no special diet.  In fact moderation is the rule, if you feel special wearing the spiritual garb, have a vegetarian diet and look down on others who aren’t like you then you are doing it for the wrong reasons.  If your path requires you to achieve rigorous postures, abstain from sex or any type of abstinence or indulgence besides what’s necessary in order to sit and meditate you’re spinning your wheels.  Of course extreme addictions are to be avoided and moderation is the operative word in all cases.

Even a holy place and a holy teacher isn’t a prerequisite if you understand the essence of the process, where you sit for meditation is the real holy place and the holy teacher.  Research of course comes first and there are books and Realized teachers to help but be vigilant for the right knowledge.

Life has totally absorbed us into her clutches with all her rewarding social perks that we can easily loose our path through the trees.  People perceive life in such a grading fashion that it encroaches into the spiritual field where it really doesn’t belong.  The minute the Self-realized teacher dies the wannabes take over and fight for positioning, and eventually the new heads reorganizing everything to fit their mindset and goals.  I’m afraid that’s really unavoidable unless there’s someone at the helm with spiritual enlightenment.

The real lack of good teachers has everyone concerned with the wrong ideals, and the true spiritual ideals that lead to liberation are diluted with ineffectiveness.  In the long run they create dependence and become a hindrance to spiritual growth.  The mind helps in the way of research and then when the mind realizes its part of the problem then the Soul must take the helm and overcome this personal obstacle.

Dependence inhibits transcendence.

That’s the key here, in the long run the world and body matter not, not the words and not the thoughts, the art of meditation is to live by this creed.  When Buddha preached detachment he meant it internally not visually or verbally, it’s done through your meditation practice.  This doctrine really encompasses everything that the mind and life can throw at you.  During meditation you let go of everything in life because that pulls your attention away from Eternity. It’s not easy, and the purpose of this article is based on efficiency. Time, body and mind consuming ideas don’t reign in the restless mind.

The world is demanding all of our time and there needs to be spiritual efficiency for today’s busy person.

I’m trying to funnel your focus to the heart of the matter thereby giving you free-agent status to save your money and spend your time more wisely.   No longer will you need the fragile security of religions and paths that require mundane rituals with no real benefits.  No sense in spinning your wheels when immediate traction can be had with a good meditation practice.  There is no better worship than that and there is nothing better for your spiritual development than applying yourself directly with the search within.

The Religious Promise

As fragile humans we find it almost a requirement to believe in Religion as the way to God, a promise of an overseer that guides us, watches over us, and of course, keeps track of our discretion’s.  In some cases religions promote a spiritual leader besides God as a go between and savior.  They promise help through their divine connection to the savior, along with the promise of salvation and eternal life, of course, they say their way is the only way possible for this salvation.

I think that would be great if it were true, I would love someone to stand by me throughout life and death, I won’t have to do much of anything except believe in it, and once I do, this ultimate redeemer will save me.  Wow…..that sounds great and easy to do, but is that at all possible? ….. No not really, nothing is that easy in life and neither is this. They have some sort of spiritual Ponzi scheme with no spiritual equity for your investment, these types of spiritual institutions do provide help in the community but not spiritually. I just wish they were more responsible when it comes down to helping you with your spiritual practice.  They have a spiritual duty to help you progress towards Self-realization but they don’t, and they fall back on old dogma and promises as a substitute. In the end this doesn’t help anyone nor does it help them.  This glaring misstep reduces their legitimacy by downgrading spiritual progress to a slow crawl, causing them to rely solely on promises.

The Religions have missed their call spiritually by totally relying on old scripture and promises which really don’t help you.  I believe their promise which is centered on the unknown aspect was put down in order to give them an edge over other paths, thereby cornering the market. They gave a promise of divine help that is really unverifiable and unavailable, but the eternal life aspect is still an acceptable and pursuable goal.

The real truth is; there is no help and you have to do the work. The Soul that is the real You doesn’t need saving because it has always has been Eternal and Perfect, you have to uncover this eternal treasure by pealing back the layers of life.

The religions help in the community by helping folks find their way through the tough times in life, with charities but let us down spiritually, causing us to flounder aimlessly. There is a tremendous need in that respect, and they would find the added responsibility motivating and beneficial for them, demanding more group participation and individual accountability.

The wisdom of most religions is just not enough unless they have practicing patrons and practitioners in the meditation field.

Spiritually speaking, no one can help you unless you’re willing to help yourself by putting forth the effort in mediation because contemplating isn’t enough.  It just doesn’t do the work on its own and you have to go in with a steadfast determination, however you need to know what to do and how to do and it takes practice.  In the process it promotes a sense of wellbeing, grounds you to your spiritual path and creates stability in life, there is no help from beyond.

No Spirits are in any position to help you in the world or in the Afterlife, they are lost too, you’re basically on your own.  No God is keeping track of your discretions, and no God in going to jump in and save you, the only real help that can come is from a teacher (preferably Self-realized) who can only coach you while living.  It is entirely up to you to do the work and the Afterlife just reinforces this rule. In reality no Soul actually needs saving, just Eternity needs to be saved from the new person you’ve become.

That’s the issue here, however blunt it is, you have to break free from this new identity to the mind and body, this connection to life must be severed completely in order to be who you really are in Eternity.  There are no shortcuts for anyone and no one including the Almighty will help you with this.  Birth has given us almost total independence. It’s your life, your creation and your illusion, and it’s your problem to deal with, and by waiting for a savior that’ll never show up is like handing down a sentence of imprisonment after death.  You carry all your imbedded personalized illusions in tow after death and you must voluntarily release them or you’ll be stuck in the revolving door of the mind.

The thinking mind is the pilot throughout life, and with death the pilot needs to end its reign, so the Soul’s attention is now the pilot.


Self-Realization or Enlightenment is the most important event or wakening in a seekers life (or any), and is the only spiritual recognizing that is done by the Almighty God.  It actualizes the Soul Eternally and reestablishes the Eternal Identity within the body despite the misdiagnoses of the mind, which has now been properly treated.

Self-Realization happens when the Self or Soul Realizes its own Eternal Nature first hand within Eternity.

There is nothing more important, bigger or better than realizing your Self Eternally because in the same wakening you see the Almighty Source of all things.  No event in your life or in the universe can compare to this rare event, and its value is unsurpassed by anything known.

Undeniably the highest experience available while living anywhere in the universe, and it comes in the most silent and subtle fashion that automatically destroys any false notions of Soul, God, and Heaven.

It is by far the highest goal possible, and the only goal that is worthy of striving because it is the only one that’ll stay with you and not leave your side, taking the sting out of death and anything else in-between you and God.

Eternity striving for Eternity realizes its Divinity within Eternity.

The Eternal Soul rediscovers its Eternal Home after dislodging from its physical existence, from that moment on the only type of contentment that is available while embodied is now your blessing to behold.  After Self-Realization you know and understand the starting point and end result of all things in the universe, and you know how to get there, you now know you can’t be denied for it has made you Self-confident and resolute.

Instant comprehension through integration in a place where Soul’s only can go leaves this Almighty Realm unchanged and pure, a Heavenly place.  In order to get to this sacred place you have to return to your original state, that being the Soul without the body and mind, makes it no small feat however well worth the effort.

Returning to your original state takes place after a long and tedious detachment from all that the Soul isn’t.  In a nutshell, this is done through meditation guided by contemplation until you’re able to enter the Samadhi State and stay for longer periods of time.  This is a deep, thoughtless, meditative state of the Soul as it eases away from the body and mind.

The mind has big attachments that link you to all that the mind thinks it is until the Soul realizes that and becomes a governing entity.  The mind only knows this world but the Soul knows both realms, the Eternal realm is the Soul’s true nature and resting place, which gives everyone a viable escape hatch from here to There.  And this is why Self-Realization is possible because of the connection to Eternity that’ll never go away unless you let it.

As remarkable as it may sound you have always been eternal and untarnished, and with Self-Realization you realize this fact.  This is really a Realization of Godliness, if you will, because you realize your Soul is as Pure and as Perfect as God is.  Eternity doesn’t change in spite of its connection to time and besides Awareness neither does the Soul.  The Soul being a small fraction of God nonetheless has the same qualities of God, size doesn’t matter in this case, altogether we are the Almighty.

There is nothing in the universe that is better than that!

It should be the pursuit of everyone, the highlight of our existence, glorified everywhere and by our spiritual institutions, unfortunately it’s not.  Book knowledge is good but personal experience is much better in the spiritual field, and any field for that matter.  Book knowledge can only carry you so far before you have to go out and see for yourself.  Even Eastern Religions have strayed to far into austerities, physical restrictions, and absence. Falling for mistaken prophets, cons, and spiritual leaders with not much to share besides what they have heard and read.

I try to spell it out the best way I can and I rarely quote anyone else, making this spiritual oasis of information for those who want words they can count on far past this flash of a lifetime.

Your Last Addiction

There is one addiction that will remain as your very last addiction to break. One addiction that stands alone and above all others. An addiction that plagues everyone and nobody is spared from this creeping distortion of reality. An imposing force with a complicated detox that takes a tremendous amount of insight in order to break the spell. Some take forever and relapse, some conquer it for good and enjoy this profound sobriety and proudly say: There is no other way of being because any other way would be abnormal. A scary sobriety that points the finger at a daunting issue, demanding you to accept this eye-opener unconditionally. It’s scary because so few people in the world know what it is or how to tackle it, in fact nobody wants to admit it because nobody wants to give it up. The ironic part is they really don’t have too except for a moment and recovery will be complete. You can still partake and enjoy the contaminants because after your finale adjustment you will no longer be taken in and controlled by the contaminants.

The rehab part of this addiction is returning back to normal, the way you started in life and the way it should be. A norm that always existed, its been there all this time but the addiction has run roughshod over it keeping it hidden and blocked by elusive impurities. A norm that’s all natural and free from impurities, and its natural state refusing all falsehood from penetrating its normal way of being again. All counter conflict will be kept at bay after conquering this addiction, because this norm is relentless and undeniably all powerful when it wins the higher ground. 

An established norm that all have access to and will never change but we evolved far from it so returning back will be a formidable task. The rehab part will be hard and personally debilitating like all rehabs are and the wakeup call will reign supreme. I’m not going to kid you for it takes a yeoman’s effort, however the rewards are substantial and worth it.

Nonetheless sobriety is possible and highlighted with a most auspicious event that comes out of the blue bringing you back to normal. A profound and wondrous sobriety that claims the higher ground in its discovery thereby dispelling all false reasoning which this addiction has held over you in order to keep the ego intact.

It takes a lot of stamina at sticking with the process with the idea of becoming sober is your shimmering light until the light isn’t needed. It may happen in a few years if you’re bringing a lot of determination to the table or it can take many years by attacking it slowly. It doesn’t matter as long as you understand and do something about it.

As intangible as it may sound it is very tangible and absolutely for real, it’s highlighted by a sobriety that endures well beyond your years. It comes from a recovered identity that lies deep within you and will take charge from now on. All should rediscover this identity because without it you’ll be clouded in doubt and uncertainty. There will be no lasting ideals or peace until this addiction is corrected. We hang on to memories and build a personal identity thinking this patchy collage of random experiences is real, normal and you. We shelve the unfortunate ones and try to forget the bad ones but memories aren’t far from falling off the shelf and dominating our thoughts. The bad memories are also deeply imbedded, interwoven into the realm from which you fabricated your temporary identity. We’ve been lead to believe that this is normal and an identity that is unflappable by counter thoughts is pretty much impossible.

I’m here to tell you that it is possible and absolutely true. Unfortunately talking about it usually elicits a bad response, for most are unable to accept the fact and push it aside. As foreign as it may sound to you it is still within your grasp. In fact like all addictions this one has you deep within its clutch since the beginning, it will be the art of loosening its strangle hold over you in order to find clarity.

Very few people in the world truly understand this addiction and this ancient norm, the ones who do have a hard time communicating it, because only the brave will accept it. Some might think it’s suicidal and impossible. Daunting odds to most teachers so they dance around the subject and won’t put a finger on it like I do. They want to help you along slowly instead of laying it on the line, and they prefer to leave it up to each individual to figure it out when the time is right.

Not me, I’m not going to enable you by saying non controversial stuff and delaying the process. In fact the sooner you start processing the information the better, and the devil is in complacency and ignorance, because it’s hard to comprehend. The important part is you have to at least try to understand and keep reading until you do. And then work towards it at any pace you can, given your personal circumstances, for then in time the process will reveal its mysteries to you.  

Most of all you have to surrender all power to the instructor for you must believe in the instructors sobriety and follow their instruction, and despite all the variables you must believe it is real and attainable. I’ll be here to help you along the way and answer your questions, because you need to understand it logically before you know how to attack it.
This addiction is none other than the Souls addiction to the mind and life, this connection has interwoven a new identity to unruly time based conditions that claim hierarchy over your Eternal identity. The mind and its relentless chatter have you believing in concepts and false ideals that only exist for a limited time, prone to change with the social climate. Few have worked to dethrone it, control it, and move beyond it, few will admit to the problem, so the mind goes on doing what it’s been trained to do. Dominate your real identity and as a result the perks that come with it remain under the surface waiting to be uncovered.

Harmony, conflict and strife seem to dominate the landscape with small windows of complete happiness. We build a shaky foundation of hope which is crumbling to the unfolding scene. Completely disillusioned and addicted we unknowingly fight for it and believe we are in control, after all we painstakingly constructed a personal identity around it and must protect it. However life keeps changing and you’re either stuck in the mud or you’re adding more ingredients into the mix, and nothing seems to taste well. Lost in the ever changing mirage, we banked on something that’s ambiguous and prone to vanish with the next let down. An identity that was never real or strong enough to begin with and will die with the mind does. In the meantime the Eternal identity and Eternal life is squandered by the overactive mind and ego, which has a deadline. Not a happy ending for the populous and yet we go on trucking like this is the way it is and it’s absolutely normal.

In fact, there is one ideal and identity that doesn’t change and will never diminish.

This identity or norm is something you can bank on and you never have to worry about time bankrupting your investment.

Once rediscovered you will undoubtedly know this is the normal way of being and will endure beyond life. You’ll know this is permanently established by the Almighty God, and you’re Soul being a small part of the eternal Source has the same perfection.

I have to tell you without this ancient norm you would not be here however with it, it’ll never leave your side, and you’ll no longer be afraid of death or the unknown. A big improvement over your old identity with a sense of contentment and acceptance with what takes place here. Above the fray you will be a powerful beacon allowing the ever changing seas to flow around you instead of in you breaking your bow.



Eternity + Awareness = God

This Eternal Awareness before anything else is without manifestation, energy or attributes of any kind, but there are repercussions when something like Awareness develops out of nothing, because that set off a chain reaction from within. Creating another dimension of movement and energy, this is superimposed over and on the outside of the only pure Reality. Eternity being timeless is spared all the imperfections that come with time and energy. Both dimensions are invisible to each other and Eternity is unaffected, because this dimension is made up of its own properties and on a grosser level, which is moving and naturally evolving. Eternity can only see and be that which is eternally pure and without fleeting properties, so it’s like a vacuum that keeps everything on the outside of it. But, the word ‘outside’ here is different due to the infinite properties, nothing can be on the outside of infinity, so it advances from within ascending to grosser levels.

Time and light on a particle level starts evolving in this new realm, and these two qualities are expressed in infinite measures. Light and Awareness starts forming the basic properties of energy and consciousness. This is a matter-less dimension; however when things are moving and creating it forces this dimension to peak, and that in turn gives birth to the 3rd dimension of manifestation.

Again, another dimension starts forming when the particles start colliding and bonding, this 3rd dimension is developing over the 2nd, in the same manner the 2nd is covering over the first dimension. All the dimensions are telescopically connected, and all are in need of the other in order to exist, and all formed naturally and not purposely. The only way to experience each dimension is through our telescopic connection, which links the dimensions and everything inside of them to this Eternal realm. No rights are denied, because access to and from is always there and available, however we unwittingly hang on to each dimension we’re in and deny our Soul that access or realization.

Three dimensions, starting from the Stillness of Eternity to the subtle energy that makes up the 2nd dimension, and then onto the gross particles that make up the universe. Everything takes care of itself, because the cycle developed naturally, and anchored in perfection gives it an Absolute foundation that supports everything. There’s no need for any being to intervene for it would upset the natural balance, and besides that no one looses anything, and no Soul really suffers or is lost, it all runs perfectly well and fair. Just the body and mind suffer, they’re riddled with imperfections anyways and must be discarded. When you’ve had enough you will voluntarily retract you’re vision through the connection. It’s just your perspective that was rearranged, and that which you think you’re losing was on loan anyways, and you should do your duty and willingly surrender it.

The collective source of everything in one solid unchangeable unit and our eternal Home, and what name people give it shouldn’t matter as long as we don’t humanize it. We are but a fraction of the eternal whole, but each fraction makes up the whole thus making you an intricate part of God. You are not human and nether is God. You are a fraction of Eternity that mistakenly identifies with time, and this mistake is what creates so much turmoil in you and the world. Your formless, aware and still Soul has always been and always will be eternally pure, sitting in the dimension of God. However, for the time being your Awareness and/or vision is tied up in your connection to the other two dimensions of time. Enlightenment and Self-realization is to break free from those dimensional limitations in order to see the real state of affairs, which is your true nature, your true home, and what is meant by the word God.