The Human Love

It sounds unusual but us as temporary humans have this emotional love that is overwhelming and dependent, and entirely our own. The majority of people think this is the real love, it is an extreme representation of love, however it’s a human version or a conditional response. In the pure meaning of the word, love is not this, its simple and natural state is unconditional in humans. The morphed conditioned version resulted from the ego laying claim “I” and “Mine,” which the mind confuses as love. And, true unconditional love is the love that the sages find through Self-realization, although they may still show signs of feelings that resemble I and mine, however it’s naturally extinguished in short order. Because in comparison to real love without boundaries, it wasn’t factual, it’s an intense drama in the theater of life. I know that I’m in the theater watching the drama unfold, like you would know you were in the movie theater, temporally caught up in the drama like an empath, but soon to file it away as a movie when going home. This detached love doesn’t sound like love but it is the highest form of love, which knows no boundaries and knows all is not lost for nothing was really gained. It may look distant like tough love, and it won’t tally with the attached version of personal love that’s dependent, so it’ll be hardly noticeable and understood. But it’s in you, in one and all, this will be realized by most in the afterlife however for right now only the Realized or the serious aspirant hot on the path will know. The purity in all of life can not be forgotten once Realized, this charade of plots and tragedies can be captivating and entertaining at times, even heart wrenching. That which is purer and impossible to hurt is still unaffected, that’s hard for me not to forget. Only the ugly part dies and real love continues and is always there. Isn’t it nice to know that freedom from the ugly (the world, body and mind) is our final outcome and true love our effortless existence. Real love doesn’t have boundaries or restrictions that the mind habitually uses, it sees no differences that are real and binding to natural love.

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